Welcome to my blog, which is really just my journal. I’m a single mom in my thirties, living in the mountains. I was born and raised in the South, and while I’ll always be a southern girl at heart, my heart now lies out west.

I’ve always had a passion for inspiring women through my own experiences/mistakes. I’ve made a lot of mistakes. Not minor ones, doosies! Some of these mistakes include going down the wrong career path, marrying the wrong man, and not divorcing said man before having a child. I filed for divorce when my baby was only 2 months old and it was the best decision for myself and my baby. On my blog, you will find information about my life as a single mom, how to navigate divorce with an infant (or divorce in general), and signs to pay attention to when dating. While these three topics are the main focus, I also have a passion for finance so there will be some tips about it along the way ?


You can also find me on Instagram @theflogblog_official ?


“Keep striving, for God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.”       

~Habeeb Akande~